Sunday, May 14, 2017

Next New

The new media I believe could happen in the future is VR television and books. There are going to be digital books and televisions that are going to be compatible with various VR headsets so you could be immersed in the book you are reading and the tv shows you are watching.  For instance, you are reading a science fiction book, and after you have followed the procedures to connect your headset to the book, you can see the characters and the scenes that are playing out while the narrator speaks. It would be amazing to see something like this happening in the future. 

Friday, April 28, 2017

Wiki So Far

So far, I have been working on the Marketing page on our class wiki, even though it had a lot of content already, I decided to edit and remake the page. I felt that the page needed up to date information on marketing, like the marketing trends that are happening now, such as the marketing tools, the new avenues marketers are going, and how it is being seen in today's world. I am not finished with the page as yet; there is still some more information that is needed.


File sharing is the public or private sharing of computer data in a network. The files that are shared can be accessed by individuals that are on that same network. File sharing allows a number of people to use the same file, being able to read or view it, write to or modify it, copy it, or print it. P2P, on the other hand, is a type of file sharing that allows users to access media files such as books, music, movies, and games using a P2P software program that searches for other connected computers on a P2P network to locate the desired content. For example, a film called 'Steal This Film' was shared on P2P sites such as Pirate Bay, BitTorrent, etc.., allowing over 3 million people to watch the film, according to Jamie King. Another example of P2P sharing is downloading music on sites like BitTorrent, and Free Music Download, when they aren't even available to be downloaded for free.

Take Advantage of P2P - not fear it by Jamie King, New Media Age. London: Nov 22, 2007. pg. 19

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


In this new media era, there have been an increasing amount of alarm for data protection. It is easier than ever to collect personal data of consumers/everyday people, and big internet driven companies such as Facebook, Google, etc use this to make  a profit. Google for instance, uses our search history to find patterns and habits and then sell them to companies that offers products and services that they think would be a fit for us. Since most things are digital now, most people's data are in a system, and those data are at a high risk, because hackers can breach the system to collect those data. For example, Target had a data breach and approximately 40 million customers credit card information was stolen. Now, websites require you to enable cookies, which stores your data, so next time you're on that site it will be easier for you, but they could use this data to sell it to companies that are interested in selling products and services to you. Recently, the question of  'do we really have privacy?' have been resurfacing very frequently.


If I was to use to new media Baruch College to improve the college, I would try to create this online class where you can see the professor and other classmates, like a Skype for class. If the professor can't meet in a physical classroom that day, he or she would have the option to do an online classroom. This would be a unique feature for every class in Baruch. 

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Creativity and New Media

With new media, I was able to create a fake message room and add it to a screen, so that I could show a snapshot of  how I would like a current sorts application to look in the future. I used a program called Photoshop that allows you to create new images from older ones. In the past, it didn't existed, or you would have to go to a professional, but now anyone can do things like this. And to show you what I did, I'll show you screenshots of the beginning to the end of what i did with Photoshop. 

As you can see I combined 3 photos to make it one, so it could seem as if it is a real thing, and I've also changed the words in the chat so it could seem as if they were talking about the game.


The media has gone a long way to be what it is today. In the past, books, magazines, television, etc were considered to be new media, but as time passed technology has been a huge influence over these mediums; now we have things such as social media, Skype, electronic books, and many more evolved media. These new medias emphasize connectivity, interactivity, and freedom of expression. These three things I believe to be important components to be creative; with the ability to connect with others from all over the world, and to able to say whatever your mind conjure up, makes it possible to get new ideas and create a bond with others. Creating new ideas, doesn't always happen with one brilliant moment, but through the borrowing of other ideas and adding to it. For instance, in the article Creators, Audience and New Media they stated that, "Creators may be inspired by the ideas of a particular audience... the audience may use these works in their own creations. This shows how the sharing and expression of multiple ideas with each other could lead to more new ideas, thus making media a hub of creativity.

Creators, Audiences, and New Media: Creativity in an Interactive Environment