With new media, I was able to create a fake message room and add it to a screen, so that I could show a snapshot of how I would like a current sorts application to look in the future. I used a program called Photoshop that allows you to create new images from older ones. In the past, it didn't existed, or you would have to go to a professional, but now anyone can do things like this. And to show you what I did, I'll show you screenshots of the beginning to the end of what i did with Photoshop.
As you can see I combined 3 photos to make it one, so it could seem as if it is a real thing, and I've also changed the words in the chat so it could seem as if they were talking about the game.
What a interesting way you completed this assignment, with bringing in a chat with friends, by editing it with Photoshop. I feel it would of been more improved if there was more aspects to it.